Monday, January 30, 2012

Rempah Gunung / Akar Sarsi

Hello people.Assalamualaikum.
1stly tahu tak apekah entiti kat atas? Macam yang korang baca, dekat title ni serpihan pokok yang dipanggil Rempah Gunung atau juga dikenali sebagai akar sarsi. Bau die memang macam sarsi.Rempah Gunung ni pemberian A friend of mine masa kami tengah trekking balik dari Mount Liang. Diambil dari Tahan katanya.

Cara nk consume rebus dgn air atau masak dengan air teh.guna sikit saje.Then minum. Sejauh mana keberkesanannya Im not really sure. But based on my experience I minum before trekking down dari Mount Liang and I boleh trekking down tanpa rest untuk jangka masa lama (masa turun la of course.kalau naik semestinya pewai)

I try google and I found that rempah gunung ni banyak khasiat. Jika direbus, ia akan keluarkan enzim yg bagus untuk memberi kekuatan pada badan. Byk jugak health product yang gunakan rempah gunung as part of ingredients nya. More info you all boleh check out this webbie >> Sumber : Alamallah

Hasil google >> rupa pokok rempah gunung

Pokok Sarsi/Rempah Gunung. Sumber dari blog Seni Rahsia Alam
Photos credit to : Seni Rahsia Alam

Akar Pokok Sarsi/Rempah Gunung. Sumber dari blog Seni Rahsia Alam
Photos credit to : Seni Rahsia Alam

Credit to Cham for sharing this usefull info!

Gunung Liang East & West

Ketika menulis entri ini lagu berkumandang melayan jiwa dan perasaan adelah "Bulan ditutup awan". Haish pelik-pelik.Keep on reading guys..

on 28&29 Jan lepas dot baru je balik dari menawan Puncak Gunung Liang East & West. Trip kali ni orang2 yang sama ke Bukit Kutu bulan lepas and ade tambahan peserta. 2 of them beginner habislah. But alhamdulillah they made it through tanpa masalah :) So guide kali ni tunang cik Lina sendri, abang amad and abang quzy from Relax Adventure Team. Dot import jugak sorang otai yang didewa dewikan bak kata abang quzy, kak sal.

Jumaat, 27hb kami gather kat McD Rawang around 11.30. Ada yg lambat so at last pukul 1.00am baru gerak ke Tanjung Malim. Pantang la orang lambat2 tak bgtahu ni. So kepada yg lambat tu alert sikit. Kami smpai Damn Kampung Sungai Dara dalam macam pukul 3 kot. Bukak tent, masak nasik utk lunch pack esok dalam pukul 4am baru tidur.tu pun abang guide yang masak kan nasik.lemak la korang ni kan.

Starting Point, Sungai Dara

Sabtu, 28hb lepas breakfast nasik himpit, serunding dan daging dendeng dalam 8.30 kami start briefing dari guides and start trekking after that. Kira-kira jam 10.30am-11.00am kami tiba di Lubuk antu.

Lubuk Hantu

Rehat sekejap dan terus memacak ke campsite 7e. Pewai sesangat pasal x trening. Bak kata abang amad, makan banyak trekking malas.seriusss memang pemalas gila time trekking. di atas kemalasan itu dot pun jalan belakang-belakang.

We had our lunch dekat tengah2 trek.skali lagi guides and kaksal yg masak daging salai masak lemak cili api kat kami.Bertuah badan bebudak pemalas ni.Adela sejam break then start balik trekking.Lepas makan barula tenaga mcm dapat power sikit.Kurang sikit malasnye.hee~

Dalam 4.30 tiba campsite 7e.Bungalow mewah pun berjaya disetup. Pacak 2 fly. Sesampai campsite je bancoh cekodok bilis. Lepas tu anak2 dara sumer kene halau mandi kat waterpoint bawah.waterpoint die kecik je. Ade salur air.laju airnye so puas la berkemban mandi kt bawah sebab terhalang, xnmpak orang.Berbaloi-baloi mandi walopun air sejuk mcm ais. Kata orang campsite ni memang sejuk dan terbaik :)


Cekodok yang tak sempat bancuh tu diteruskan oleh adik2 dot lokman n syafiq.sedap jugekla cekodok anak teruna dua orang ni.elok je mandi trus anak2 dara take part kat dapur.Around 8.30pm makanan siap dan berjemaah lah kami menjamu selera.


Masa kat CBL dulu cham masak daging kurma tapi takde santan sebab santan hilang.So inspired dari situ dot planning la masak ayam kurma pulak kat Liang ni. Elok-elok nak prepare stuff to cook rasa macam ade bnda penting missing. Dot pon tanye semua sapa nampak santan serbuk. Dari jauh Kaksal cakap, "akak dah guna dua-dua paket masak lemak cili api tadi". Hahah sudah dot cakap n terus gelak-gelak, nih memang penangan CBL lah ni santan hilang.kali ni pun kurma takde santan.Kurang lah kick nye makanan haritu. Ade jugak popedem, telur dadar, ikan masin and air zapple cocktail. Air zapple ni cham yg bawak. Around 9.30pm semua dah masuk tidur.

Ade 15 orang dok dlm 2 himpit2 dapatlah tidur nyenyak.Takla sejuk membeku.1st time dlm trip ni dot terjaga sekali je :) Pukul 3.30 Dot n Eja dah bangun pegi ke dapur prepare menu alas perut. Baguette with garlic spread, cicah mushroom soup dengan kopi panas. Pukul 4.00 am je dot bising2 suruh orang bangun.Dot tahu mesti orang rasa annoyed dot memekak mcm tu tapi dot kne suh diorang bangun kalau tak lari plan. At last 4.50 jugak kami bergerak ke peak walaupun plan asal nak gerak 4.30 am paling lewat.Kira okelah tu.

Dot suke naik peak trekking gelap pasal otak tak psiko. Dalam 6.45am la kot dot lupa pulak.smpai peak.Hampir 2 jam la.View Liang East memang terbaik sebab pokok die rendah je.360 view. Ada beirut kat atas tu.Awan pun dok bawah dari kami. Utk fadhlan yg first time dot nampak riak muke die yg happy sgt. Lan, ko boleh dah memanjat. Jgn takut-takut lagi ok? Puas berphoto gedik kami bergerak ke Liang West yang jaraknye adela dalam 5 min kalau berlari. Tapi trek nak ke West tu sgtlah mossy forest jadik 5 min tadi boleh drag ke 15 minit. :) Puncak West pun ada beirut tapi pokok dah tinggi2 tak de view.

Liang East

Liang West

Kami turun ke 7e balik around 8.30am. Dot, Eja, Kaksal, Lokman, Abg Quzy speed dulu sebab nak masak nasik goreng. Nasik goreng sardin, nasik goreng ikan bilis n nasik goreng ayam. 3kali masak tapi lepas tu terus campur dlm 1 periuk. Last2 korang taktau pun korang makan nasuk goreng ape pagi tu kan. Ade balance dot n eja buat lunch pack sesiap.Pagi tu lokman masak fav bfast menu die, ayam cincang dengan telur.sedappp.cham buat teh o leci.nikmatttt.

Around 11am barulah kami start trekking ke bawah. Dot ajak Lan jalan dulu. At last Lan trekking dgn Lina. Awalnye dot janji nk trek dgn Lina.Sorry Lina mungkir janji sebab dot rasa teruja dan trekking ikut kaki guider.So dot dengan kakpah jalan dulu. Jalan dengan orang lama ni mcm2 ilmu diorang share,sikit pun tak kedekut. Thanks Abang Amad n Abang Quzy. Kadang-kadang lost step jugak sebab bila sesaat stop gap dgn guider depan memang besar. Kesian kakpah yg kadang-kadangnye berlari sebab nk kejar step. Untung kaki panjang boleh langkah besar-besar mcm dot.

2 Jam lepas tu rasanya dah tiba dekat lubuk antu. Masa nk tiba tu kakpah dah low battery.Kaki dah gigil kata kakpah.Dot teringat Abg Quzy cakap kalau dgr deruan air sbelah kanan then kiri means dah dekat la dgn Lubuk Antu.Masa tu dot btau kakpah dah dekat sgt ni, sikit lagi kak pah.Sikit lagi.Masa dengar air dari arah kiri kakpah mencirit lari tinggalkan dot.Ceh kakpah ni.Hahah. Lepas tu belakang dot ade lan.Boleh tahan lan ni lajuuu.hehe.Good job Lan. Then followed by kaksal yg sakit kakinye, lina n eja.tak lama lepas tu yg lelain pon sampai.

Tiruk n makan sekejap kat Lubuk antu, 2.30pm pn kami start trekking balik. Dot n Kakpah jalan dgn guide sejam lbh sikit berjaya keluar dari damn. Jrak dengan orang belakang pun tak jauh.kul 4 rasanya semua dah keluar. Selesai bersihkan diri kat Sg Dara, kami gerak ke kedai makan kakak garang and kemudian semua pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

Dot syukur sangat Allah bg kesempatan kat Dot nak memanjat lagi. Bila dalam hutan dot rasa dekat padaNya. Alhamdulillah. Ribuan terima kasih dot ucap kat semua. Sebelum trip ni dot ada feel xsedap hati sebab ade sikit masalah sebelum event. Dengan lokasi tak menentu, peserta last min cancel, peserta lbt bayar. Dot tahu semua ni asam garam kehidupan(hehe) cume kalau lah dot boleh lebih mengawal emosi dan take it easy tentu lebih baik.Dot rasa mesti ada yg terasa sepanjang sebelum mahupun semasa event. Sebab nye perasaan tak sedap hati tu akhirnya membawa kepada masakan dot yg ala kadar rasanya dan tak sedapp.Yang xmemuaskan dan tidak kick. Dot mintak maaf kt korang ye kerana menggunakan kekerasan masa nk collect bayaran :)

Akhir kalam,

Semoga Allah merahmati perjalanan kita semalam dan semoga ilmu yang kita semua dapat tak kisahla pasal masak nasik ke, ration nk bli ke (ni khusus kat dot la), ilmu fly ke ilmu hutan ke harap semuanya akan ingat sampai bila-bila. Without each and every one of you trip ni xkan menggembirakan. Thanks guys for this awesome trip. Till we meet again in the next trip :) InsyaAllah

Photos credit to Lan, Eja & myself

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Boonaa Mohammed - For the love

Brother Boonaa Mohammed has his own way to da'wah!

For the Love

You should only say "I love you" when it is completely obvious,
And does not actually need to be said.
So I pray to God that I love her,
Until my very last breath.

Wallahi, she is perfect.
Everything about her just makes perfect sense,
And every time I get lost or confused,
She is a true friend.

Ever since I was a child, we used to study on the weekends.
I mean some of the brothers liked her, and some of the brothers were obsessed,
And at first I didn't really get it, I mean what made her so different?
Until my eyes were opened wide to our sweet romance and,
Wallahi, she is perfect...did I mention that yet?

"Brother Boonaa is going crazy. He really needs help."
Please judge me all you want, but keep the verdicts to yourself,
'Cause no matter who you love, there will always be obstacles and critics.
And good looks aren't everything, but hey it's all I've really got.
And I want to get close to her because she is close to God,
So I cry my heart out, I let it all go, 'cause after rainfall must come a rainbow,
And trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never even met.

So I can't turn back now. I can't pretend to be ignorant,
And I can't go around acting like she doesn't have me on lock.
Has me lowering my gaze because she is always on the top,
Of my mind, designed as a kind gesture to all mankind,
So I could still see her beauty even if I was blind.

And I believe everything she says, because she has yet to lie,
And if you could point out a contradiction, I would gladly say goodbye.
But you can't, so I can't get her off my mind.
No word of a lie, she is a dime.
Eleven out of ten, amen!
...I mean "ameen."

And I love the fact that she always has me thinking,
'Cause to live without thinking is to shoot without aiming.
People have a lot of questions about her, and so I don't mind explaining,
Because she has absolutely nothing to hide.
Her house is your house, and so you're all allowed inside,
But what bothers me is when people who don't know her talk bad about her behind back,
Uneducated chit-chat.

But she is perfect, why can't you all just see that?
Why don't you learn about her before you cast your stones?
We never blame love, even though love has caused plenty of wars.
You've never seen the wind, but you still know that it blows.
So trust me, there is no point in trying to break up our happy home,
'Cause the struggle only makes us stronger, the changes make me wise,
And happiness has its own weird way of taking its sweet time.

She's my other half, my sidekick on the side.
She makes me, me, we are partners in crime
Where she is, I am not far behind.
And if she's in danger, then my life too is on the line.

And it's not just a crush anymore. I want to learn everything about her,
Everything that happened before, to all of her friends, and all of her misguided foes,
And to be honest, I don't really like arguing about her,
'Cause I don't want to do her the slightest of harm,
And I'd love to stay and entertain your battle of wits, but most of you are clearly unarmed.
I love and respect her like I have been taught to love and respect all women,
So to you is your love, and to me is my religion.

Some men manipulate her and use her for greed,
Kill in her name, but her name comes from peace,
So I stand by her pillars proud, she keeps me grounded.
Reminds me to be humble; through her are all the answers,
To every question even worth asking,
And to love her, you must be able to love all human beings.
They deserve to hear her words and learn of her teachings.

She represents what's within, all my sisters and brothers,
Practiced by my kin, and praised by my mother,
A gift from Allah, sent from way up above.
She is Islam,
And I am in love

Boonaa Mohammed (Islamic Relief) - Could have been

It could have been you
All alone wondering what you're gonna do
Where will you find food?
When you don't have a penny to your name
When you hurt it's all the same
Nobody knows your name
You're just that static we mention during campaigns
The blood in your veins is cheaper than propane
You aren't even seen as human to be treated inhumane
You are less than minimum wage
At the bottom of the food chain
All the water that you've saved,
Isn't even enough to bathe
You have every right to be afraid
Your see death everyday
And it may be your fate
Before the age of 8

Have you ever seen a child in such dire need
That they can't even eat, cause it hurts when they breath
Woe be to he, who holds back what he receives
Your money is a trial, so don't be guilty
Of living filthy, while their living filthy
Learning to sleep with sickness and disease
Before you disagree, see yourself on TV
And wonder who would be there to take care of me
I have basic needs, food, clothes, family
And education I can't achieve in poverty
Who will be my hero, and add to my zero
I'm starting to lose hope, can you see me in the mirror
Looking back at you, from my point of view
Who's to the rescue, from a life I didn't choose
Everything I been through, will it ever improve
If you only knew, it could have been you

Boonaa Mohammed - Too Late

Too Late

You're dying,
And you don't even know it, never saw it coming
But you were so young, so much life, so much loving
So much hope, so much sorrow, I guess so much for tomorrow,
Your family will miss you dearly, still can't believe that you're gone
The news hasn't sunk in; they still think you're coming home
When things don't go our way, the entire world must be wrong
They say it wasn't your time, but to Allah we belong
Your soul left your body, before you had the chance to say goodbye
It caught you unexpected, within the blink of an eye
You were busy with the world, when you felt a tingle in your spine
Your heart began to race, your eyes became blind
Coming closer to the light, was this a trick from your mind?
Or did you really just cross this life's finish line.
The cost of deception is that everyone's gotta die
In a world where everybody is just trying to stay alive
Even if you aren't ready, it could come at anytime
Doesn't ask for your permission, doesn't need you to co-sign
The dirt is getting ready and your hole has been assigned
Your mother helps to wash your body one last time
Prayed your janazh, it was raining cats and dogs
They put you in the ground and now you're all alone
Hearing footsteps of your friends as they begin to moan
We wish you all the best, so sad you had to go
People talk about death, but what about when death talks to you
Rips the soul from your body, will you finally say it's true?
The good may die young; the bad still gotta die too
Every soul shall taste a sip from this restless brew
This is the day that you were promised, your grand debut
No turning back now, no make-ups, no re-dos
From this point on there is no need to review
It's just do or die or in your case just do
The real proof, absolute moment of truth
And just like that, perfectly on cue
Two angels enter your grave, sit you up and ask you
Who is your Lord?
But in this world you only worshipped you,
Obedient to your desires, a slave to your own views
What is your religion?
Don't say it was this deen,
Your last name never stopped you from your wicked routines
Who is your prophet?
You heard the people say his name,
But you never stopped to defend him when they spoke it in vain
You didn't pray the long nights; you didn't fast the long days
You didn't even bother trying to seek forgives for mistakes
You didn't have any fear, you weren't sincere
That Quran on your bookshelf was just a souvenir
In fact it was quite clear that you loved this place
And never thought you would have to witness what awaits
Well get ready for your fate, the promise of your Lord is great
When you're brought right back forth from that dirt you came
And make no mistake, the scale makes no mistakes
Indeed every deed shall receive its due weight
So deceive as you please until you see it's too late
You would squeeze the seven seas for the chance to prostrate
Where are your American idols, let them keep you safe
Or perhaps you will find mercy in the money you chased
You never stopped to take a break and see into your future,
Walal-akhiratu khayrun laka mina al-oola
But now look at you; you are the definition of a loser
Doomed to dwell in hell, oh well at least it suits you
Every moment awake, you receive your reward
To feed on a fire whose fuel is men and stones
Boiling puss, in chains and yoke
Skinned ripped from flesh, from flesh till bone
Begging the keepers of hell to lighten the load
But this is exactly what you asked for
You choose the torment, you refused to repent
You had the answers to the test and you still didn't prep
For eternity you will rest in the lowest depths,
Step by step, I must confess
You're dying, but you haven't died yet
But with every single heartbeat you get closer to your final breath
Yesterday you were one day closer to your grave
Today who even knows if you'll even make it home ok
I just pray that you are ready for your final exam
Until then don't you dare die except in a state of Islam
Heaven and Hell are just the choices that we make
So turn back to you Lord, before it's too late

Monday, January 23, 2012

Geng Tidak Solat - Ustaz Azhar (TH Filem)

Orang yang meninggalkan solat adalah :
musuh Allah,
musuh Malaikat,
musuh Para Rasul,
musuh Para Nabi,
musuh Orang Beriman.

Apakah itu doa?

BERDOA bukan untuk memberitahu Allah apa yang kita pinta,
kerana tanpa diberitahu pun ALLAH sedia mengetahuinya.
Doa ialah PENGABDIAN daripada seorang hamba kepada Tuhannya. :)

"Dan Tuhanmu berfirman, Berdoalah kamu kepada-Ku nescaya Aku perkenankan doa permohonan kamu." (surah Al-Mu'min; ayat 60)

Quoted from PejuangMasaKini

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Last breath by Hafiz Hamidun

Last Breath

Album : Hafiz Hamidun
Munsyid : Hafiz Hamidun

From those around I hear a cry
A muffled sob, a hopeless sigh
I hear their footsteps leaving slow
And then I know my soul my fly

A chilly wind begins to blow
Within my soul from head to toe
And then last breath escapes my lips
It's time to leave and I must go

So it is true but it's too late
They said each soul has its given date
When it must leave it's body's core
And meet with it's eternal fate

Allahurabbuna salimna (sallim sallimna) 3x

Oh, mark the words that I do say
Who knows tomorrow could be your day
At last it comes to heaven or hell
Decide which now do not delay

I cannot see, my eyes are blind
Am I still me ?
Or has my soul been led astray ?
And forced to pay a priceless fee

Alas to dust we all return
Some shall rejoice while others burned
If only I knew
I knew it before
The line grew short
And came my turn

And now as beneath the sod
They lay me with my record flawed
They cry not knowing I cry worse
For they go home I face my God


Come on my brother, lets pray decide
Which now do not delay

Thursday, January 19, 2012

SDI Open Water Diver course

Diving tu memang ada dalam wish list tapi takla seheavy wish list nak panjat Kinabalu. Tapi bila end of Dec haritu Cik Pijah Pelangi invite utk Open Dive Course terus cakap OK. Kak emil pon on so bertiga lah kami mengambik lesen.

So last January, 10 we went to our very first session. Pool session.Dari 10am sampaila 4pm.Memang kelas kecut dalam pool berklorin sampai berdarah-darah hidung Dot ni ha.Instructor kami abang Hussain. Kelas a bit exclusive la pasal bertiga je dlm kelas.Takyah berjanggut nak tunggu turn nak tunjuk Excercise yang dah diajar oleh Instructor.

First Instructor bg briefing about the whole Open Dive Water license. Then kami kene sign satu form and then we were given a log book. Tujuannya nak update setiap session dive kami.Then instructor kenalkan semua equipment yang akan we all gantung kat badan ni. Memang Berat.


Lepas tu masuk kolam, buat excercise. Mcm diexpect la time-time buat excercise tu adalah yang menggelupur naik ke surface pasal salah teknik mcm2 lah bnda kak blajar mcm clearing mask fully and partially, ade jugak bukak BCD then try pakai balik.

Around 4pm kami pun pulang dgn hati yang riang. Sempat makan nasik ayam hainan abg hussain tunjuk. So if korang interested nak ambil pakej abang Meet Uncle Hussain Dive Schoolni, bitau i nanti i bagi contact number semua.The whole package sampai ke Pulau Tioman. RM850(tak termasuk penginapan.termasuk makan)

So next month masuk kuliah pulak.Zzz.Bulan 3 baru ambil test kt Tioman.So kalau korang wonder SDI ni ape, same je macam PADI. SDI ni kira pioneer dlm industri Dive ni. PADI famous for its advertisement & promo die media-media.Tu saje :)