Bukit Larut or Maxwell Hill was opened 100 years ago by a British Resident, George Maxwell and it is the oldest in Malaysia. It is 1250 meters over the sea and is about 13km distance to get to the top.The road was built in 1948.
To get to the top of the hill, you can choose either by walking ( since the road was well built) or by taking a land rover that cost RM6 per pax (RM3 for children age 5-11 years old). It takes for about 30 minutes by Land Rover with 108 curves and 72 of it is very sharp. It is more than 45 degree i think and the driver is so efficient and pro. I asked one of the driver and surprisingly, he has more than 30 years experience handling the land rover. No wonder he can drive smoothly no matter how sharp the curve is.
The scenery is superb!
The temperature at the hill is around 15 degree Celsius and Tulip was planted there. One of the people there said that Tulip will bloom end of this year, oct-dis. So dont miss a chance to go there!
If you wish to stay there, there are numbers of bungalow which cost around 120-200 which is so cheap! It can accommodate around 10-14 people for each bungalow. Be alert that for land rover service, there will be only one trip for every one hour. For more info, please contact 05-8077241.
The only cafe If you wish to stay there, there are numbers of bungalow which cost around 120-200 which is so cheap! It can accommodate around 10-14 people for each bungalow. Be alert that for land rover service, there will be only one trip for every one hour. For more info, please contact 05-8077241.
I'll turn 23 this October.It has been almost a year since I left university, 11 months since my convocation, 6 months since my real first job at Exxonmobil. Its only less than a year since I walk into the 'so called a real world and a real life' phase but too much extraordinary things happened in my life. The walk of the journey has been filled with emotions that is unspeakable n decissions that is undecided. Sometimes I stop the walk and I looked behind and I asked myself, 'Have I done good enough?'.
I take my hands off from the keyboard and looked away from the monitor. Behind that big glossy glass in front of me is an usuall view of KL from 10th floor. I saw clouds and sky so high. and I asked myself,'Do I satisy with my achievement?'. I turned to the left, and looked at some photos which i pasted on my cubicle divider. a view of a blue sparkling sea, an inspiring view of mount yellow, a well blended colourful view of sky, clouds, trees and hills. I couldnt avoid myself from smiling each time I looked at the photos.