Tasik Chini is located at 250km from Kuala Lumpur. It is accessible by road, take exit to Gambang and straightaway to Pekan, Pahang. Lake Chini has its own legend.The people there believe that there is a magical dragon that lives in the lake ( source : a pamplet).

Activities that can be done there are :
- Lake tour
- Fishing
- Horse Riding
- Fish feeding
- Blow pipe challenge
- Visting Jakun's settlement and so on.
As for us, we went for lake tour by boat.There are numbers of packages and we took a "melawat 12 lautan & melawat perkampungan orang asli" package that cost RM60. The package is for 4 pax and additional passenger will be charge extra RM15 per pax.
We were a bit unlucky because it was not lotus season. August is the best month for sight seeing as the lake will be covered with bunga teratai :)
At the jetty, you can see a lot of lampan fish (if i was not mistaken). So korang bolehlah bagi makan kat ikan2 ni sebab diorang jual makanan ikan as cheap as RM2 per tupperware. awesome kan!

Kampung Tanjung Puput-rumah orang asli jakun
And oh ya! sebagai seorang almni UKM im very proud to announce that kat sane ade pusat penyelidikan UKM.Go UKM! :D

There's a resort run there namely Lake Chini Resort. The room is as cheap as RM90. If you prefer camping then RM5 will be charged per head.For more info about Lake Chini Resort, you may go tohttp://www.lakechiniresort.com.