My Travel Journal :D

Lets start with awal bismillah, assalamualaikum and hello. I miss my blog and i am so busy nowadays. Harap-harap mood menulis masih ada :). I just get back from Sabah. Its a 6D5N trip with my greatest batch20. We have been planning all this since last year. Can you imagine how long it was!
The background story.
Tahun lepas la ceritanya. Hajat nak naik Kinabalu tapi kawan2 masih belajar lagi, belum berani nak target kumpul duit seribu demi Kinabalu. Since masa final year dulu pernah buat program ke Sabah, maka this time around kita buat reunion pulak. Explore some other side of Sabah yang xsempat nak visit. And alhamdulillah we made it dan the total cost lengkap makan, minum, tempat tidur hanya RM460 and its for 6D5N, excluded flight fare. Macam mana? Keep on reading. Im sure you'll not regret.

Day 1 : Around KK
Tambang murah kan so we went to KK masing2 separate flight. I was in the 1st group. The journey starts at 10 am, from my house. Commuter fare from Rawang to KL Sentral was RM3.60. From KL Sentral we took Skybus which cost only RM9. aT 12.15PM the bus headed to LCCT and it took 1 hour and a half to reach LCCT. At 2.15 we took the flight to KK and reached there at 4.51. At the departure hall somebody from Borneo Backpackers ( our hostel ) hold some sign with Alan's name written on it. He drove us to our budget hotel which is very comfortable.
Later that night we went to a dataran near to Gaya Street. We was lucky because it was Tadau Kaamatan feast so we got the chance to see some traditional dance. The last person that reached that night was Fizah.
Some infos of Borneo Backpackers - For backpackers well this kinda hostel really save us. Its really cheap. RM25 (for aircond) per night, inclusive breakfast. WIFI is free, there are 2 computers for you to online, update your facebook or to get some infos of where to go. There are 2 pantry, a pretty awesome TV area and living hall.4 stars hostel I guess.The hostel is highly secure where you'll be given password to enter the building and the person in charge there, namely Nanie. She is so helpful, trust me.

breakfast buat sendiri :)
Day 2 : Around KK & Manukan Island
Around KK
If you travel to Borneo, waktu solat mostly 1 hour earlier. Yah bayangkan subuh yang pertama ni everyone woke up early. Masuk subuh terus bangun. Semangat tak terkata. We had our breakfast at 6.30 am and around 7 am we went to Sabah Tourism Office to get some infos and of course the map of Sabah. Its located near to our hostel, opposite the Jalan Dewan.

Our first checkpoint was the Atkinson Tower Clock Tower.It was built in 1905, in memory of the first district officer of Jesselton, Francis George Atkinson who died of Malaria when he was 28 years! Muda betul dah jadi pegawai daerah :)

Then we headed to Padang Merdeka which is 5 minutes walk from the Atkinson Clock Tower. After we took some photos, we headed to Sabah Islamic Civilization Museum. It took about 1 hour walk from Padang Merdeka and the fare is only RM1. Near to the Islamic Museum, there's also Sabah Art Gallery, State Museum and also Heritage Village.There are some old trains outside of the museum.I guess Heritage Village it the best place to visit. You can try the traditional games there and see the unique houses of Sabahan.

Snorkeling at Manukan Island
Later petang tu we went to Jesselton Point. Its a jetty to Pulau Sapi, Manukan and some other islands of TAR park.Some cost infos of the activities there :
Boat Transfer ( 1 island) : RM18
snorkeling gear : RM 15
Tax : RM 3.60 (kami tunjuk student card yg dah 2 thn lepas x RM7)
Permit : RM 3
The best time for snorkeling is at the morning. Sebab petang-petang ni view kabur sikit. Budak2 ni bila dapat air memang bukan main sakan lagi berenang2. Plus Cik Pijah baru beli camera cover untuk masuk air, banyak gambar dalam air aje.Kat daratnye ada la seketul dua. The last boat transfer to the mainland adalah pukul 5. If you wish to extend it, you better charter a boat for RM250 ( 2 ways ).

Seafood Dinner.
Betul2 area waterfront ada banyak seafood stalls. Ada yang ready made dah masak, ada yang u gotta choose the ikan, sotong and die masak fresh2 for you.Kalau nak suruh die masak, u better be prepared. Konsep dia, u choose the ikan/sotong/ketam, they will qoute you and later they will giv discount on you. Masa dia bagi quotation, tulis dalam travel journal tu sebab masa nak kira nanti, pandai-pandai je die adjust harga tu. I hampir terkena ni thats why i remind you.Malam itu the total cost was only RM110 (excluded the drinks) so seorang kena RM10 je.isnt that CHEAP?? pengsan sebab murah.hehe.Balik tu tido kekenyangan.

Day 3 : White Water Rafting at Sungai Padas
We went to Sungai Kiulu last 2 years and thats why we really wanna try Sungai Padas this year. Gred III & IV and there are 7 jeram i guess namely scooby doo, washing maschine, lambada, roller coaster. Oh tu je yang i boleh recall.Ada yang jeram ombak die reach macam 1 meter kot.tinggi.Memang fun lah i tell you.Since ther were 11 of us, kita dapat 2 boats. Line up boat i Hana, sawal, eca, babam n ija.Hehe.
FYI, from KK you gotta take a bus to stesen keretapi Tenom and 3 hours perjalanan ye.krem kaki. Bas akan lalu ke Taman Banjaran Crocker.Memang cun lah tempat ni. Bas pun ada masa xlarat naik sebab bukitnya tinggi-tinggi.

Sampai stesen Tenom tu jauh lagi. You gotta take a colonial style steam locomotive or diesel train for to hours to reach the starting point of WWR. Memang awesome lah klasik sgt.Rasa mcm zaman jepun tren nyer. Duduk bersila u all.ade 4 kerusi je each gerabak.Kerusi taman bunga pulak tu. If the gerabak semua penuh, berdiri lah u dekat gerabak last sekali.Panas tu :) Air sungai padas berlumpur mcm air teh susu. So kat sini xsyok sebab xdpt nak mandi manda. kalau sungai kiulu dapatlah you test2 skill berenang di kawasan dalam.
Alkisahnya that day around 4 pm kot dah settle rafting, tapi tren nak ke tenom balik tu aiseh smpai lepas magrib. Penat toksah cakap la.pastu 3 jam perjalanan balik ke KK dengan baju yang tak tukar tu.kenapa xtukar? toilet semua dah tutup.Dah malam kan u all.Kat sabah malamnya berlalu cepat.Kedai2 tutup semua.And the cost for this WWR RM160.bolehhla murah kan compare yang lain tapi i xberapa puas hati dengan service dia.racist can try riverbug kot.Mcm cool je :)

Day 4 : Gaya Street Market, Pasar Philipine & Simpang Mengayau
If you stay at Borneo Backpackers then you'll be lucky because the shopping spree is just across the road :). Naah im not into shopping when i travel. Gaya street Market is open every sunday from 5.30 am until 1 pm. They sell tshirts, unique souvenir, plants, some foods and drinks, pets pun ada. My advise is, pegi je Pasar Philipine. Boleh bargain sangat murah. Kene pandai la buat ayat :) Bukan ape, die dah ada kedai sendri so bolehhla kasik murah. After doing some shooping, almaklumla ade yang tempah2 dari semenanjung tu ( i xamik tempahan.hehe) we had lunch at Sempelang Restaurant. Makanan die bolehla murah. RM5 without air untuk nasik campur. Okeyla kan untuk budget traveller mcm i ni.

We rent a van Nissan Urvan for RM250 per day.Service bagus.You can call abdul if you wish to rent.0198509825.This time around we had to rent a van sebab the next destination was very far. 3 hours journey.Simpang Mengayau ni hajat eycah n pijah la.Budak2 photographer mana nak lepas port yang view cantik ni kan.Tapi it was worth it sangat dapat tengok sunset you alls di penghujung tip of Borneo. Melayan perasaan lah masing-masing kat sini. :) Simpang Mengayau is located at Kudat, and it is at the most tip of North Borneo. Kira mcm dah hujung borneo lah ni.Malam jugaklah kami sampai ke KK. Letih yang berbaloi.

Day 5 : Kinabalu Park, Kiram's Village, Desa Cattle farm @ Kundasang
We rent a van for another day. Kundasang is 2 hours drive from KK. And along the way you can see, a superb view of hills and mountains and of course The Kinabalu Mount. We went to Kinabalu Park to get to Timpohon Gate. Simpan semangat untuk tahun depan kata
orang.Masing2 senyap je kat gate tu.yela dah bape tahun simpan hasrat ni. sorang2 porter bawak brg2 nak bawak ke restoren / hotel kt atas tu.Kinabalu, next year i datang! Permit nak masuk RM3 ni kne bayar kat gate utama lagi. FYI Timpohon gate ni permulaan trek Gunung Kinabalu.Kira ikut Mesilau lah ni.

Selepas melayan baik perasaan kt Kinabalu we headed to Kiram's Village. Ni lah lokasi penginapan kami :) at 3 pm we went to Desa Cattle Farm. Ladang lembu dengan view macam New Zealand, siap ade gunung Kinabalu. Bagi i la, indah sangat Kundasang ni.Tak terucap dek kata-kata. At 3pm ni you will be able to see Proses Picit Susu. Comel lembu2 ni. Entrance fee adelah RM3 only. If you were lucky, dapatlah merasa susu segar. During my visit semua sold out. So layan photoshoot ajelah.

Kiram's Village
Ya Allah superb sangat tempat ni.View die pulak Gunung Kinabalu. Memang enjoy sangat. Suhu makin menurun bila malam tiba. 17degree BBQ kat luar.Memang sejuk la semua makanan2 nyer. Kat sini ade a few cabins macam banglo la.Our cabin namely Strawberry ni kinda besar jugak sebab boleh occupy 11 pax. There is 2 rooms and total ada5 single beds and a queen bed.Complete ada dapur, hall room, ada balcony. Beli biskut kering cicah air teh panas, duduk kt balkoni sambil layan view. Rasa macam nak tinggal selama2nya aje kat sini.Owner nyer, boleh panggil uncle kiram sangat la baik hati.uncle yang jaga cafe lagi baik hati.puas hati buat bbq dengan beliau.makanan mcm utk 100 org.tapi per head RM25 je.this one you kene pre order lah. :) Sewa cabin pulak RM250/night.

Day 6 : Kiram's Village - Pekan Nabalu
Nampaknye i dah mula tulis bm.gasaklah.haha.The next day bangun alahai xsanggup nak tinggalkan Kundasang ni. Redup je hati duduk sini.Lupa KL, Lupa masalah. Mulalah rasa sayang dan rindu each other. Sambil nak balik tu pandang-pandang ke belakang. Babai Kinabalu.Next yer kami datang lagi.
Dalam otak dah mula fikir bebanan keje. sedih nak tinggal line up yang sangat best. Hana, sawal, alan, zin, olo, ecah, pijah, jajai, bam, eja thanks korang. Sangat meaning full trip ni.Flight that day jam 3.15pm, so mostly that day buat final shooping jela. Oh we did went to Observatory Tower of KK. Nice view up there!

Thanks kawan-kawan. I noe agak sukar nak ada trip mcm ni lagi due to commitment. But i'll try my best to make it real! As for myself, i'll keep going on backpacking. Hajat nak try trans Java macam fat @ I will! Memetik kata2 dari belog beliau, mana nak start langkah yang besar kalau bukan dgn langkah kecil.Lepas ni nak merantau jauh lagi. InsyaAllah, semoga diberi kesihatan yang baik utk aku laksanakan impian ni. Amin.

Olo * Ecah * Dodot

Okey ini RM4.70.okey la kot

Our official car :D

The End :D