It was a sudden decision masa idea nak ke Nuang ni datang. There are 11 of us, and olo bawak a friend n adiknye.
We reached pintu masuk Nuang at 8.30am mcm tu kot and start trekking sampai ke kem Lolo after 2 hours something. Pcak fly, and tent, masak untuk lunch. Lepas bungks2 beg semua dlm tent, bawak bekalan air n food sikit lepas lunch n zuhur we started hiking ke Kem Lolo atas.

Start Lolo atas ke kem Pacat, masing2 dah start slow kecuali shooters2 yang laju mcm ketapi.Tapi ape yg i blaja time Yong Belar dulu, seniors said, keep on climbing and dont stop. Its okay if your steps is slower than the others because if you stop a lot, u'll get tired easily.haha.Gagah la berjalan jugak walau dah ponat.

Sampai kem pacat dah 6pm.Then we decided not to continue sebab its very risky utk trekking mlm sebab trek nye tak baper oke utk mlm.Reda dgn keputusan guider hana, at 7pm mcm tu trun bawah n smpai kem lolo 8pm ++ kot.
Mlm tu smua terjun sungai.Sejuk takyah ckpla tapi memorable lah tu.sambil mandi2 ade yg gatal menyuluh2 kan.xprivacy Nuang memang best.kne repeat sebab misi xberjaya lagi :)

Nuang, we'll conquer u again!